Rebel MP of the ruling YSR Congress, K Raghu Ramakrishna Raju, has been arrested on various charges, including sedition, for “indulging in hate speeches against certain communities and promoting disaffection against the government”, the Crime Investigation Department of Andhra Pradesh Police said on Friday. “A preliminary inquiry has been ordered by CID Additional Director General P V Sunil Kumar. In the inquiry it was found that through his speeches on regular basis Mr Raju was indulging in systematic, schematic effort to cause tensions among the communities and by attacking various government dignitaries in a way which will cause loss of faith in the government which they represent,” an official release here said.
“There is hate speech against communities and social groups also, which was used to foment social and public order disturbances in conspiracy with a few media channels,” the release alleged. The release added that, on the orders of the CID ADG, a case under Sections 124A (sedition), 153A (promoting enmity between different groups), 505 (statements conducing public mischief) read with 120B (conspiracy) of Indian Penal Code was registered against the MP.