The DMK authorities in Tamil Nadu on Monday launched a White Paper on the state’s funds and highlighted the fiscal imbalance and mounting debt created by the “mismanagement by the earlier AIADMK authorities”.
Finance minister PTR Palanivel Thiaga Rajan blamed the earlier AIADMK authorities’s “lack of political will and administrative ability” for the heavy debt burden and reducing State’s Personal Tax Income whilst GST dues to Tamil Nadu had been on an uptrend. He additional stated the decline in funds presents DMK a uncommon alternative to provoke “once-in-a-generation” reforms to convey the state again on the expansion path.
In keeping with the White Paper, the state’s debt burden stood at Rs 5.70 lakh crore, whereas debt per citizen was at Rs 1.10 lakh. Tamil Nadu’s income deficit as a proportion of the state fiscal deficit has been exhibiting a gradual improve, thereby making the utilisation of recent funds in the direction of present expenditure as a substitute of capital expenditure.