Actor Arjun Kapoor, who will be seen next in Sardar Ka Grandson, believes his biggest achievement in his almost a decade long career is to reach a position where he can afford to say no to a role that doesn’t resonate with him. The 35-year-old actor started his journey as an assistant director and made his acting debut in 2012 with Yash Raj Films’ romantic drama Ishaqzaade.
He has starred in commercially successful titles like Gunday, 2 States and Ki & Ka as well as critically-appreciated projects Aurangzeb and Finding Fanny.
Arjun Kapoor said he is satisfied with the way things have unfolded for him in the film industry. “There is a lot of happiness and satisfaction that in eight-nine years of my career I have been able to reach a place where I have the ability to say no. It’s a very big power that an actor can possess — to decide to not go to work or to say ‘I don’t want to do this film’,” the actor told PTI in a Zoom interview.
“It’s a big achievement if you feel you are self sufficient and can decide whether you want to work or not,” he added.
The actor’s upcoming films include Sardar Ka Grandson, which premieres exclusively on Netflix on Tuesday, adventure-horror-comedy Bhoot Police, Mohit Suri-directed action-thriller Ek Villain Returns and remake of Tamil comedy Comali.
Directed by Pavan Kirpalani, Bhoot Police, also featuring Saif Ali Khan, is slated to hit cinema halls on September 10, while Ek Villain Returns is set to release theatrically on February 11, 2022.
Arjun Kapoor said as a performer he is never content and always aspires to outdo himself with every role he portrays.
“I always crave to do better I want to perform better… Creatively I am never satisfied and I am too emotional and involved with every film I do. That phase and journey will go on.” He feels grateful that he has the capability of carrying the films on his shoulders and bring them to the audiences. “Today, when I do a film, I know it will be made, it will be completed, and because of that people will get work. As an actor I have the capability of helping make a film come true, that is an achievement,” he added.