After Sonu Sood, actor Salman Khan has stepped up to help those in need in flood-affected areas in Maharashtra. The actor has reportedly dispatched five tempos of essentials to flood-affected areas of Chiplun, Mahad, and other villages near Mahabaleshwar. Aaditya Thackeray, Maharashtra’s cabinet minister of tourism and environment, flagged off the vehicles.
According to a daily, Rahul N Kanal, Yuva Sena leader and president of I Luv Mumbai Foundation, is coordinating the relief efforts with Salman Khan. He revealed that they have sent 500 ration kits with five kilos of rice and wheat each, two kilos of dal, one litre oil, one kilo tea powder and two kilos of mixed spices in every kit. They have also dispatched 50,000 bottles of mineral water, 5,000 sanitary napkins, and 50,000 biscuit packets. In addition to these essentials, they have included utensils and some ready-to-eat meals. Salman Khan has asked the locals about their requirements.
Meanwhile, Sonu Sood has sent 1 lakh packets of milk to the flood-affected areas.