What is Rift Valley Fever (RVF)?
Rift Valley fever (RVF) viral nosocomial infection. It is transmitted by pets (cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats and camels). Affecting people. The RVF virus is said to be a member of the bunaviruses phlebovirus genus. This can lead to illness. Some bacterial viruses, such as hantaviruses and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) virus, can cause illness in people.
Kenyan veterinarians noted RVF in animals in the early 1910s. It is mostly prevalent in East and South Africa. Where more sheep and cattle are raised. However, it is found in parts of West Africa and Madagascar. Reported in RVF in Saudi Arabia in September 2000. It was later discovered in Yemen. These are the first instances of Rift Valley fever outside Africa.

How is Rift Valley Fever (RVF) Transmitted?
The majority of human diseases are caused by direct or indirect contact with the blood organs of infected animals. Humans can cling to fever by administering animal subtypes, assisting in animal birth, performing veterinary procedures, or disposing of animal carcasses or embryos. As a result some employees, such as shepherds, farmers, slaughterhouses and veterinarians, are more susceptible to infection.

What Are the Symptoms of Rift Valley Fever (RVF)?
Patients recover within 2-6 days after the RVFV virus is incorporated into the body. This infection can cause many different disease symptoms if there are already other symptoms in man. People with RVF usually do not have any severe symptoms. They have mild illness such as fever, weakness, back pain and dizziness. Typically, patients recover within two days to a week after the onset of symptoms.
Rift Valley fever may last 2-6 days. Then it diminishes. However, most people with RVF have no symptoms and usually recover within two to one week.

Treatment for Rift Valley Fever (RVF)
Rift Valley Fever does not contain any FDA-approved drugs. There is no specific treatment for RVF as the number of patients with RVF is low. Fever and body aches are common symptoms of minor illnesses. These can be treated with over-the-counter medications. Most of the time, people recover within two or a week of the onset of their disease. More severe cases may require hospitalization.