The death of a five-year-old tiger while being shifted from Bandipur to Bannerghatta on Friday has come under scrutiny from wildlife activists, who have expressed concern over the entire operation.
A male tiger was found injured in Hediyala range of Bandipur and the Forest Department tranquillized it for closer examination and decided to shift it to Bannerghatta in Bengaluru for treatment. But the tiger died en route, near Mysuru. The Forest Department said the tiger was injured in a territorial fight after moving in from Antharsanthe range of Nagarahole and was emaciated.
But Joseph Hoover of United Conservation Movement has questioned as to why two darts were fired at an injured and emaciated tiger. He said the authorities justified their decision on the grounds that the tiger was weak and emaciated and hence the strength of the first dosage was reduced. As the tiger could not be tranquillized with the first dosage, another dart was shot, according to Mr. Hoover.
Mr. Hoover, who is also a member of the State Wildlife Board, said it was obvious that the wildlife veterinarian miscalculated the weight and condition of the tiger and suspected that the National Tiger Conservation Authority’s SOP was not followed.