The Samajwadi Party chief and former Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Akhilesh Yadav started the first phase of his ‘Samajwadi Vijay Yatra’ from Kanpur from today on Tuesday. Thousands of SP workers gathered near the Ganga Pul to welcome him in Kanpur. The SP chief earlier on Monday went to Delhi to seek blessings from his father and SP patriarch Mulayam Singh Yadav before staging the Yatra.
Speaking exclusively to News18 on his ‘Vijay Rat’ the SP chief said, “The Samajwadi Vijay Rath will run from Ganga to Yamuna. We are starting this Yatra with the blessings of Netaji. We have come out to seek the cooperation and support of the public. The people of Uttar Pradesh have been cheated by the BJP government.”
“This State is the land of our farmers, but farmers are being oppressed in Uttar Pradesh. They have been told that their income will be doubled but their income has been taken away. Paddy crop is standing in the fields today but the price of its produce is not being given to farmers. Farmers were crushed by vehicles and killed. If BJP is not removed, it will crush the Constitution under the same tyres,” said Akhilesh Yadav.
“The Ganga-Jamuni Tehzeeb should be saved at any cost. It is our identity and people of all religions should live together with love and peace. This is the journey to save that Tahzeeb. Uttar Pradesh should be rebuilt, the State should go on the path of development. This is the victory march of the Samajwadi Party. People of Uttar Pradesh are upset with BJP. The BJP government has been selling everything, airplanes were sold, airports were sold even the ship ports were also sold. It is quite possible that in the coming times even the government may also be outsourced,” said Akhilesh as he started his Yatra.
In the first phase of the Yatra, the SP chief will cover the distance from Kanpur and will travel to Hamirpur and Jalaun on October 12 and 13. The party has issued directions that only SP cadres of the concerned district should attend the yatra by Akhilesh and no worker from outside should come.
The Rath Yatra is considered a lucky charm by the Samajwadi Party as whenever Akhilesh Yadav has gone on one, the SP has formed the government in the State. Decorated with pictures of party patriarch and former chief minister Mulayam Singh Yadav, party MP from Rampur Azam Khan, SP leader Ram Gopal Yadav, and party State president Naresh Uttam Patel, and embossed with the slogan ‘Bado Ka Hath Yuva Ka Sath’ (the older generation blesses the new), the bus that will be ferrying Akhilesh was put out for a media viewing on Saturday at the party office in Lucknow. On the other side of the bus is a solo picture of the SP chief with the slogan ‘Kisan, Gareeb, Mahila, Yuva, Karobari, Sabki Ek Awaz Hai, Hum Samajwadi’ (farmers, the poor, women, the youth, traders, everyone says in one voice, we are Samajwadis).