Kolkata: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday slammed the Centre for “victimising” her former top bureaucrat Alapan Bandyopadhyay, against whom the union government has initiated penalty proceedings that could deprive him of post-retirement benefits. Banerjee said that IAS and IPS officers of the country are in solidarity with the former West Bengal chief secretary, as it is the “battle of every bureaucrat”.
“The Centre must realise it is victimising an official who lost his brother, nephew and mother within a span of 15-20 days… and he is in mental agony because he has worked for the country all his life, and now he is being treated in such a manner… This is irresponsible behaviour and we will not allow this,” she told reporters. The Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) has sent Bandyopadhyay, now an advisor to the chief minister, a “memorandum” mentioning the charges and giving him 30 days to reply, officials had said on Monday.