Madhuri Dixit and husband Dr Ram Nene were proud parents on Sunday as their elder son Arin Nene graduated high school from American School of Mumbai. Madhuri took to social media as she shared photos and videos from his virtual graduation ceremony as well as a family photo featuring her, Arin, Ram and Raayan.
“A proud moment for Ram and I, as Arin graduates from high school with flying colors,” Madhuri wrote, adding, “Congratulations Arin and to the graduating class of 2021. We appreciate how hard this year has been for all of you and we salute your resilience, strength, hardwork and focus to rise above the situation and succeed. So, follow your passion and understand that one day you will have the power to make a difference, use it well. Wishing you success in everything you do. Love you always.” She hashtagged her post #ProudParent, #ClassOf2021 and #GraduationDay.
Her husband also wrote on social media, “Dear Arin, many congratulations on your high school graduation. It has been a challenging year for the world and for all of your classmates and you. We wish you all the best as you enter college and look forward to see how you and your classmates will continue to grow and do great things for the world around all of you. With love Dad.”
In an earlier post, he had written, “Sneak peek, right. So proud! Thanks to ASB and all the teachers and everyone!”
Madhuri married Shriram Nene in 1999. They are parents to Arin and Raayan.