Delhi Chief Minister and AAP national convenor Arvind Kejriwal sounded the poll bugle for the Uttarakhand elections slated for next year as he announced Colonel Ajay Kothiyal as the chief ministerial face of the party in the hill state.
An Indian Army veteran and former principal of Nehru Institute of Mountaineering (NIM) at Uttarkashi, Colonel Kothiyal had joined the AAP this year on April 20.
Delhi Deputy CM and AAP leader Manish Sisodia who was in Uttarakhand earlier said that people of the state want honest leaders like Kothiyal. “In front of the people of Uttarakhand, on one hand, there is a corrupt Chief Minister of BJP. On the other hand, a staunch patriot Col Ajay Kothiyal. I ask voters- Should a person like Colonel Kothiyal be the future Chief Minister of Uttarakhand or corrupt leaders from the BJP?” said Sisodia.
Kejriwal, who is on a visit to Uttarakhand, also said Uttarakhand would be developed as the “spiritual capital” for Hindus all over the world.
Earlier, the Delhi CM had promised 300 units of free electricity, free power for farmers, waiver of old bills and 24-hour electricity supply to woo people in the state. Talking about replicating AAP’s Delhi model of governance in Uttarakhand, Kejriwal had said if the party comes to power, it will bring in major change in schools and health infrastructure. “Our leaders here are talking to youth, within a month or so, we will make a big announcement about employment for the state’s youth”, he had said.
With less than a year left for the next assembly polls in Uttarakhand, the Aam Aadmi Party is gearing up aggressively for the election in 2022. Over the last eight to nine months, it has been attacking the ruling BJP on various issues including corruption, unemployment and health through various political events and on social media.