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There were 36,688 COVID-19 cases from this month’s six major Indian cities – Ahmedabad, Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Bengaluru. As much as 91% of all COVID-19 cases were covered by health insurance through nongovernmental schemes during the month in these six cities.

Citing these figures, Jeevan Raksha, a public-private initiative involving Proxima, a management firm, and Public Health Foundation of India, which is studying COVID-19 trends across the country, has raised questions over data integrity.

Contending that Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) report on State-wise health insurance shows only 2% of India’s population is covered by any health insurance — group or individual (non-government schemes) — Jeevan Raksha’s convener Mysore Sanjeev said the health insurance claims (non-government schemes) registered for COVID-19 treatment in these six mega cities during July, as per the data provided by General Insurance Council, was a “shockingly high” 91%.

“This means 91% of the people infected with COVID-19 in July had group or individual health insurance even after excluding the Ayushman Bharat PM-JAY and other government scheme beneficiaries. This shows massive under-reporting of the COVID-19 cases,” Mr. Sanjeev said.

Out of the 957 COVID-19 deaths reported in the six mega cities during July, insurance claims had been registered for as many as 489 deaths, which accounts for 51%.

“The six mega cities, which contribute nearly one in every five cases and deaths, might have under-reported to the tune of 1.8 lakh to 2 lakh cases and 2,200 to 2,500 deaths during July. All over India, about 5 lakh cases and 10,000 deaths may have been under-reported,” Mr. Sanjeev said.

However, the extent of under-reporting varies from one city to another. Going by the data provided by the General Insurance Council, Mr. Sanjeev said there was reason to believe that the under-reporting of cases and deaths in Bengaluru and Mumbai was relatively less.

While the percentage of population having group or individual health insurance coverage (non-government schemes) ranges from 1 to 6 in different States, Delhi has the highest penetration of 14% while Maharashtra has around 6%, he said.

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