Harbhajan Singh and wife Geeta Basra have been blessed with a baby boy, the cricketer revealed through a Twitter post on Saturday. He wrote, “Blessed with a Baby boy Blue. Shukar aa Tera maalka.” After daughter Hinaya, Harbhajan and Geeta Basra welcomed their second child. Recently, the family of three were seen celebrating Harbhajan’s 42nd birthday on July 4. The cricketer, in his Twitter post, said that both the mother and the baby were doing well and thanked all his well-wishers.
Blessed with a Baby boy shukar aa Tera maalka pic.twitter.com/dqXOUmuRID
— Harbhajan Turbanator (@harbhajan_singh) July 10, 2021
A new little hand for us to hold ……,” Harbhajan wrote on Twitter.
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