Apart from Awadh and Purvanchal, Bundelkhand will get prominence in the campaign led by farmers against the BJP. Drought-ridden Bundelkhand which shares borders with Madhya Pradesh is considered one of the most backward parts of the state.
Hannan Mollah, General Secretary of the All Indian Kisan Sabha told NH that over 80 teams of local farm organizations have been roped into work among the farming community in Eastern Uttar Pradesh.
“Our aim is to defeat the anti-poor, anti-farmer BJP in coming polls,” asserted Mollah.
When asked, will the farm leaders attack UP CM Yogi Adityanath during the campaign, Mollah replied over the phone, “We are not against any person or the state government per se. Our aim is to get three farm laws scrapped. Those who are against the laws are our friend, those who are in favor of the new laws are farmers’ foes.”
An activist associated with the Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA) told NH that the Sitapur Kisan Panchayat held on Tuesday reflects the shift in focus.
He said, in the coming days, under the banner of the SKM, many more such meetings will be held in districts including Varanasi and Gorakhpur. Varanasi is the Lok Sabha constituency of the PM Modi and Gorakhpur is the home turf of the monk turned politician Yogi Adityanath.