New Delhi: The Central Government on Wednesday urged the Supreme Court to modify its decision that ED Director Sanjay Kumar Mishra can hold office only till July 31. At the same time, the Central Government has asked the apex court to extend the tenure of ED Director Sanjay Kumar Mishra till October 15.
“At such a critical juncture, it is necessary to have a person at the helm of the cases in the Enforcement Directorate who is well acquainted with the overall status of money laundering investigations and proceedings across the country and the complexities of the procedures, operations and activities of the investigating agency,” the Centre said in the petition. It is imperative to ensure that the evaluation team can be assisted promptly and competently with the necessary reports, information, statistics, etc. ”
The Centre urges SC to extend tenure of ED Director Sanjay Kumar Mishra in view of the ongoing FATF Review which is at a critical stage where submissions on effectiveness have been made on 21.07.2023 and an on-site visit is scheduled to be conducted in November 2023.
The Centre urges SC to extend tenure of ED Director Sanjay Kumar Mishra in view of the ongoing FATF Review which is at a critical stage where submissions on effectiveness have been made on 21.07.2023 and an on-site visit is scheduled to be conducted in November 2023.
— ANI (@ANI) July 26, 2023
The Centre has also said that any change in leadership in the Enforcement Directorate at this stage will substantially impair the agency‘s ability to provide necessary support and cooperation with the evaluation team and will adversely affect India‘s national interest.