A Madhya Pradesh Congress leader on Tuesday said BJP MP from Bhopal Pragya Singh Thakur is “missing” at a time when her Lok Sabha constituency is recording a high number of COVID-19 cases, and offered a Rs 10,000 reward to trace her. In a statement here, state Congress general secretary and spokesman Ravi Saxena said COVID-19 patients in Bhopal are facing a shortage of medicines and other critical medical equipment. The state BJP termed Saxena’s announcement of reward as an insensitive act and cited the ill-health of the 51-year-old Member of Parliament.
BJP MP from Bhopal Pragya Singh Thakur is missing during the pandemic and at a time when people need her most, Saxena said. “This is misfortune of Bhopal’s citizens who are running from pillar to post for injections, ventilators, oxygen, medicines, and dying due to COVID-19,” he said. “I announce a reward of Rs 10,000 for anyone who traces her,” the Congress general secretary said in the statement.