Haryana Congress president Kumari Selja on Friday said few cases of black fungus disease have been found in a few patients recovering from Covid-19 in the state and demanded the government form a state-level committee of doctors to monitor such cases. Expressing deep concern about black fungus cases found in some patients, she demanded from the Haryana government that people should be made aware of this disease.
A state-level committee of doctors should be constituted to monitor the condition of such patients in all the districts of the state and also identify other patients who may be afflicted with it and start their treatment at the earliest. Also, the Haryana government should bear the entire cost of treatment and medicines for the patients suffering from black fungus, the Congress leader said in a statement here.
Mucormycosis, a rare but dangerous fungal infection, has now been found to be affecting some coronavirus patients. Attacking the BJP-JJP government, she said Covid-19 is spreading rapidly in the state, but the government does not appear to be serious in its prevention.