The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) on Friday announced the appointment of the All-India Junior Selection Committee. The members of the committee are Sharath Sridharan (South Zone) β Chairman, Pathik Patel (West Zone), Ranadeb Bose (East Zone), Kishan Mohan (North Zone) and Harvinder Singh Sodhi (Central Zone).
The BCCI release states, βFormer Tamil Nadu captain Mr Sharath Sridharan will head the committee. The first cricketer to play 100 Ranji Trophy matches for Tamil Nadu, Mr Sharath in his 15-year-long domestic career, scored 8700 runs including 27 centuries and 42 half-centuries in 139 first-class matches with a highly impressive average of 51.17.
He also played over 100 List A games scoring more than 3000 runs. He has also been a BCCI match referee.β
Harvinder Singh Sodhi was a lanky medium fast bowling all-rounder from Madhya Pradesh. He has played 76 games and has 2000 plus runs and 174 wickets in his kitty. He has also been a BCCI match referee.
NEWS π¨- BCCI announces appointment of Junior Selection Committee members.
Former Tamil Nadu captain Mr Sharath Sridharan will head the committee.
More details here β
β BCCI (@BCCI) September 17, 2021
Bengal seamer Ranadeb Bose had toured with the Indian team during the 2007 series in England and has played 91 first-class games and has 317 wickets.
The previous committee was headed by Ashish Kapoor (South) and had Debasish Mohanty (East, now senior selector), Gyanendra Pandey (central), Rakesh Parikh (west) and Amit Sharma (north).