Bangalore, July 07; Government of Karnataka has issued an order to pay money through DBD to the bank account of the head of the family having Antyodaya Anna Yojana and Priority Ration Voucher. Now the guidelines for making payment have been published. If your ration card contains these errors, the payment will not be made.
Karnataka By order of the Governor and in his name Hanumantaraj. The Under Secretary to Government, Food, Civil Supplies, Consumer Affairs and Legal Metrology Department has issued an order in this regard. The government has decided to distribute 10 kg of food grains free of cost to each beneficiary of Antyodaya Anna Yojana and Priority Ration Vouchers, along with 5 kg of food grains distributed under the National Food Security Act, an additional 5 kg of food grains from the state government.

It has been decided to invite open tender for purchase of food grains required for this purpose from open market. Till this tender process is completed and the bidders supply the food grains, each beneficiary of Antyodaya Anna Yojana and Priority Ration Vouchers will be given 5 kg of food grains every month at Rs. 34 directed to transfer funds through DBT to the bank account of the head of the family in the ration card.
Accordingly, the government has decided to formulate guidelines regarding the cash transfer of the cash amount given to the beneficiaries of the eligible priority and Antyodaya Anna Yojana ration cards to the bank account of the head of the said ration card families, and these guidelines have been published.
* Cash transfer to Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AIA) and Priority Ration Families (PHH) ration card holders has been started from July 2023 using the data information available in the Food Software (website) maintained by the Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs.
* As per cabinet decision and government order dated 01/07/2023 Aditya and Antyodaya ration card was intended to be distributed to each beneficiary in addition to 5 kg, ration card in lieu of rice to each beneficiary in the family at Rs. Transfer of 34X5 kg Rs.170 to head of ration family account by cash transfer.
* Antyodaya Anna Yojana, a family with three or less than three members in a priority ration card family is already receiving 35 kg of food grains every month so such Antyodaya Anna Yojana ration card families will not be given cash transfer facility. But if there are 4 members of the Antyodaya Anna Yojana ration card family then the said family will get Rs. 170 (34X5X1), a family of 5 members will pay Rs. 510 (34X5X3), a family with 6 members will pay Rs. Gets 850 (34X5X5). The same ratio continues with more members.
* Antyodaya Anna Yojana and Priority Ration Card families with identified head of household, Aadhaar linked and current bank account are eligible for cash transfer facility.
* Households who have received ration food grains in the last three months are eligible for cash transfer facility.
* Ration card households with no head of family or more than one head on ration card are excluded from cash transfer facility. Ration families with no fixed head of family are required to elect a head and Ration card families with more than one head, as mandated in the National Food Security Act, appoint the senior woman in the ration card with a female member as the head of the family. Determining the head of the second family, providing the details of the ration cards without head of the family at fair price shop wise to the districts, the staff of the Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department in the districts contacting the concerned families and assisting in determining the head of the family, providing the necessary facility to identify the head of the ration family also in the food system, this kind of problem has been solved. Then consider offering cash transfer facility.
* Out of the existing 1,28,16,253 ration cards, 1,28,13,048 ration cards have been matched with the member’s Aadhaar number with the ration card, while only 3016 members’ Aadhaar number is pending to be matched with the ration card. Sharing the information of members whose ration card does not match with Aadhaar number with the district administration and taking action to encourage members whose Aadhaar number does not match to match the Aadhaar number, taking action to provide cash transfer facility to such beneficiaries through other means even if the Aadhaar number cannot be matched with the ration card due to technical or health reasons.
* If the head of the family in the ration card does not have an active bank account, if Aadhaar is not linked with the bank account, if the bank account information is not yet available, after linking the current bank account information with Aadhaar number, after reviving the inactive bank account, making a cash transfer to the account of such ration card family head.
* The ration card families who received food grains in the month of June are considered for July cash transfer and the ration card families who have given their active bank account information by 20th of July will get the cash transfer facility in the month of August. Providing information on ration cards not having bank account details to District Level Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department staff and Fair Price Shops, informing ration card families not having bank accounts to open bank accounts or revive bank accounts that have been closed.
* Along with this, creating awareness to open a bank account in Indian Postal Payment Bank (IPPB), 3500 Fair Price Shops or other banks having Business Correspondents (BCS) facility.
* Directing food department staff and fair price shops at the district level to complete the e-KYC verification process, and if any ration beneficiary fails to provide e-KYC information, to temporarily suspend food grain and cash transfer from August until such person provides the e-KYC information.
* Gradually reducing the use of system of getting food grains through mobile OTP instead of biometric verification and discontinuing this system within the next two months, in the months of July and August, taking steps to create adequate awareness among the ration beneficiaries.
* Delivering information through mobile SMS and WhatsApp to each beneficiary/ family about money transferred to bank account through cash transfer, developing WhatsApp chatbot to facilitate public to know about cash transfer.
* Helplines available in the department to resolve queries and provide information about the cash transfer program using the helpline facility available at the head office and district level, due to this system it will be possible to solve cases like return without transfer, wrong payment and omitted payment.