Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Sunday invited the athletes from violence-hit Manipur and said that he would train them in the state. Also, his son and Sports Minister Udayanidhi said that he has promised to provide all necessary facilities to the athletes of Manipur in this regard.
In a statement, Stalin said that the current situation in Manipur is not conducive for sportspersons there to train for sports events like Khelo India and Asian Games.
Understanding the current challenges faced by Manipur sportspersons, I cordially invite athletes from Manipur for sports training in Tamil Nadu ahead of #KheloIndia2024. Hon’ble Minister @Udhaystalin has also promised his support to facilitate their stay and training here.
— MKStalin (@mkstalin) July 23, 2023
“I have instructed Youth Welfare and Sports Development Minister Udayanidhi Stalin to make arrangements for Manipur sportspersons in Tamil Nadu itself. Udayanidhi has promised to provide ‘high quality’ facilities on behalf of the sports department.
Tamil Nadu will play host to the 2024 edition of the Khelo India Games.
The state of Manipur is known for producing ‘champions, especially women champions’ for the sports arena. The state of Tamil Nadu has expressed ‘deep grief’ over the current situation in Manipur. Looking forward to know the situation,’ said Stalin.
MC Mary Kom, Kunjarani Devi, Meerabai Chanu, Khumucham Sanjitha Chanu, Tingonleema Chanu and many great sportspersons over the years have hailed from Manipur.
The CM said that Tamil culture is living with love and care, and it is acting like the saying, ‘Everything is mine, all people are my relatives’.
Sportspersons from Manipur who wish to avail this benefit can contact +91-8925903047 or email details including ID proof and training requirements to