Friday, September 20, 2024

Children are getting sick again and again in the rainy season, so try these special tips for protection


During the rainy season, water accumulates everywhere, due to which bacteria and germs that cause infection start growing, in which case the risk of infection increases. At the same time, immunity also becomes weak during this season, due to which any disease can make you suffer quickly. Children are more infected, especially in the rainy season, and diseases also increase rapidly.


Health Shots spoke to Dr Suresh Kumar Panugnati, Lead Consultant Pediatrics, Yashoda Hospital, Hyderabad on this topic. He has given some important tips related to the care of children in the rainy season, let us know about this (how to take care of kids in rainy season).

Here are some important baby care tips (how to take care of kids in rainy season)

1. Home remedies will be very beneficial

Dr Suresh says, “If your child is getting frequent bouts of viral infections, fever and sickness, you can prepare him to fight the condition by trying certain home remedies. Turmeric milk is rich in antibacterial properties, which prepares the body to fight against all infections.

Along with this, add a little salt to lukewarm water and gargle with it, it is an excellent treatment for throat related infections like cold and cough. On the other hand, herbal tea removes body toxins while promoting immunity, so that children fall ill less.


2. Prevention from mosquitoes is important

During the rainy season, there is accumulation of water everywhere, due to which mosquitoes start flourishing at different places. In such a situation, the risk of many diseases increases. Diseases like dengue, malaria can affect your life. Especially children spend more time in outdoor environment and playing sports, during this time they are more at risk from mosquitoes, so this problem needs special attention.


When children are going to play outside in the rainy season, do not allow them to go near water logging. Apart from this, wear full body cloth, do not forget to apply mosquito protection cream and gel. At the same time, keep complete cleanliness at home and use the net while sleeping at night.

3. Pay special attention to food

There is a need to pay special attention to the diet of children during the rainy season. Generally, children like to eat street food, but street food should be completely avoided in the rainy season, because the risk of infection is high during this time. Include plenty of green vegetables, seasonal fruits like banana, papaya and pomegranate in the diet of children. Along with this, eating beetroot will help. It is rich in antioxidants and works effectively to boost immunity.

However, avoid consuming pre-cut fruits and salads during the rainy season. Consumption of dry fruits will prove to be more effective to increase immunity during monsoon.


4. Wear dry and loose clothing

Humidity increases in the rainy season, due to which the body sweats more and the body remains sticky. Apart from this, there is less sunlight in the rain, so the clothes do not dry completely. If you do not pay attention to these things, then the risk of the children getting infected is high.

When children go out in the rainy season, make them wear full body clothes. Also, do not forget to take an umbrella or a raincoat with you, as it can rain anytime and it is not advisable for children to get wet again and again.

When children are at home, make them wear loose cotton clothes, because synthetic clothes trap humidity, due to which the risk of skin infection increases. If there is moisture in any cloth, make the children wear it only after pressing it.


5. Don’t let the refrigerator water

The risk of cold, cough and throat infection is high in the rainy season, as well as the body’s immunity is also weak, so any disease can infect you quickly. Therefore, ask children to completely avoid fridge water, during this time it is advisable to drink lukewarm water. Due to which the hygiene is maintained and unwanted bacteria are also eliminated.



6. Pay attention to the intimate hygiene of the children as well

Small children do not know how to take care of their intimate area, so parents should especially pay attention to the intimate hygiene of children. Babies urinate frequently during the rainy season, while if your baby is very young and wears diapers, don’t leave them in diapers for long. Because the diaper gets wet quickly and due to humidity, the risk of fungal infection is also high.

Even if the child does not wear diapers, clean their private parts thoroughly at least 3 times a day. Don’t forget to dry their private parts thoroughly so that babies don’t get any kind of infection.


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