Four more persons, including a BJP leader who was seen inside the SUV that mowed down protesting farmers in Uttar Pradesh’s Lakhimpur Kheri, have been arrested today. Local BJP leader Sumit Jaiswal, who was seen in a video leaving the SUV, had filed a counter murder FIR against unnamed farmers, claiming his driver, friend and two BJP workers were beaten to death and that he found out from social media later.
In the video, Mr Jaiswal was seen running from the Thar SUV that drove into protesters from behind.
Four farmers and a journalist were ran over on October 3 by a convoy of three vehicles, one of which belongs to Union Minister Ajay Mishra. Mr Mishra’s son was arrested on October 9, five days after he was named in a murder case on charged which usually merit.
Two BJP workers and their driver also died in the incident.
Sumit Jaiswal had also claimed that the protesters attacked Union Minister of State for Home Ajay Mishra’s convoy, not the other way round.